Content Marketing for Lawyers

With so much on their plate, attorneys do not usually put content marketing at the top of their priority list. In the midst of managing their caseload, firms are spending less time on improving their marketing strategy and just sticking to what has worked throughout the years. For these reasons, many practices continue to rely […]

When first starting a small law firm, there are an overwhelming amount of tasks at hand. Above all of the items on a new firm’s to-do list is client acquisition. All firms are looking for a way to generate leads and start building a caseload. As a small firm, outsourcing and handing this important job […]

Business cards continue to be widely used and effective among attorneys. When everything seems to have gone digital, and print marketing appears to be obsolete, lawyers still rely on the power of a business card to network and generate leads. Successful attorneys know that it is essential to exchange contacts, and creating quality cards is […]

Headshots are an important part of a law firm’s branding efforts, and may be used beyond the firm’s website. Lawyers may opt to use their official company photo for sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc., making it even more important to capture an image that not only represents each individual, but the firm as well. […]

Did you know that attorney bios are the most-read content on a law firm’s website? In fact, they are responsible for more than 60 percent of the site’s total traffic. But if you take a look around the web (even your own site) and compare lawyer bios, you may notice they mostly follow the same […]

Advertising is an important part of gaining new business for any law firm, big or small. Effective ads across various platforms can persuade potential clients that a particular firm is better than the competition, thus increasing business profitability. While attorneys may truthfully advertise legal services, these efforts are subject to California Rule of Professional Conduct […]

The Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct requires lawyers to file a copy of most public media advertisements and solicitation communications with the Advertising Review Committee prior to dissemination, or concurrently. Attorney advertising laws in Texas are quite restrictive, but as a solo or small firm, you can stay in full compliance while still having […]