A plaintiff’s personal injury firm located in Beverly Hills, CA. The office has been partnered and practicing for 17 years.
Meet Kevin Danesh
Kevin Danesh is a Co-Founder and Managing Partner at Banafsheh, Danesh, and Javid, PC (BD&J), a Plaintiff’s Personal Injury firm located in Beverly Hills, CA. The office has been partnered and practicing for 17 years.
BD&J became a Walker Advertising partner in 2005 after receiving a glowing recommendation from a close friend. Following a few meetings with our knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and most tenured sales representative, Mary Lou Potter, the firm joined our personal injury network under the Los Defensores brand.
At the time, BD&J included Danesh, his partner, and two paralegals. They relied on Los Defensores for the lion's share of their lead generation, not purchasing other lead programs or forms of advertising.
Present day BD&J now has a third partner, three additional attorneys working for them, and a staff of 40 to 45, to which Danesh says, “it’s been a tremendous growth.”
When asked about the most valuable tool used to achieve this growth, Danesh shares, “When you’re a plaintiff personal injury firm nothing really happens without clients… and Los Defensores was where we started and where we’ve been with to help grow our practice, help find clients, help them, and just expand from there.”
“We’ve been able to change the trajectory and scope of a lot our client’s lives, and it started with that phone call to LD.”
Los Defensores was born in the 1980s in Los Angeles, as a response to the lack of Spanish-language legal services available to the Hispanic community. Whether there were no Spanish-speaking law offices or just a need to inform the Hispanic community about their right to seek legal representation, Los Defensores set out to help attorneys and clients connect.
When asked about Los Defensores’ mission and why he feels it’s important to extend his services to the Hispanic community Danesh said it “has been one of the most gratifying experiences,” and that he’s been able to help clients who may feel like the legal system has failed them. He added, “We’ve been able to change the trajectory and scope of a lot our client’s lives, and it started with that phone call to LD.”
Helping the Hispanic community has become an everybody wins scenario for the BD&J practice. Danesh shares that the Hispanic community has one very key characteristic that “you don’t necessarily find in other communities. They’re very loyal.” He goes on to explain that these clients have come back time and again and shared their experience with friends and family who then become clients, lending to further growth for the firm.
“Without Los Defensores, I don’t know if we would’ve enjoyed the level of growth that we’ve had throughout the years.”
As the BD&J practice grew, so did Los Defensores. We launched our services nationally in 2014 and invited our partners to expand with us.
While Danesh shares that the idea of going national was intimidating, he says of the experience, “I rolled the dice, I did go national with [Los Defensores] and it’s been a great choice. Since then I can see that this is just the beginning of a whole explosion with Los Defensores.”
To continue bridging the gap between attorneys and clients and grow law firms across the country we continually expand our services.
When asked about the Los Defensores expansion, Danesh says “they’re just an endless supply of being able to grow your business when you’re ready to take the next step.” He adds, “Without Los Defensores, I don’t know if we could’ve enjoyed the level of growth that we’ve had through the years. I’m sure we’d do well, but I don’t think we’d grow to the extent and at the rate that we have.”
Plaintif Personal Injury
15 years
Los Defensores & 1-800-THE-LAW2
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